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Black Economy Bioliner Roll

Size: 137cmx10m (54"x33ft)
Pack size: 1
£77.32 Ex VAT £92.78 Inc VAT

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This Black Economy Bioliner Roll is the ideal solution to your catering establishment and is perfect for bars, clubs, hotels and much more.

Pack size: 1
£77.32 Ex VAT £92.78 Inc VAT

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This Black Economy Bioliner Roll is the ideal solution to your catering establishment and is perfect for bars, clubs, hotels and much more.
  • Mesh
  • 137cmx10m (54"x33ft)
  • Antibacterial

This Black Economy Bioliner Roll is the ideal solution to your catering establishment and is perfect for bars, clubs, hotels and much more. This Bioliner Roll features an antibacterial coating preventing any bacteria from touching your cups and glasses, for a more hygienic environment. This Roll is made from flexible mesh which allows you to position the Roll easily and direct to where it is needed. The heavyweight mesh helps to keep the mesh firmly attached to the surface. The mesh covers large surfaces with ease and can be cut down to size with minimal hassle. Ideal for placing on shelves for extra grip and safety. This Bioliner Mesh is also easy to clean. Its dimensions are: 137cmx10m (54"x33ft).