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Bartenders Blade Metal

Pack size: 1
£2.33 Ex VAT £2.80 Inc VAT

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This Bartenders Blade is the ultimate must have for any bar, club, pub, bartender and much more.

Pack size: 1
£2.33 Ex VAT £2.80 Inc VAT

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This Bartenders Blade is the ultimate must have for any bar, club, pub, bartender and much more.
  • Crown bottle top opener
  • Pocket size
This Bartenders Blade is the ultimate must have for any bar, club, pub, bartender and much more. This bartender blade has been designed to optimise the speed and ease of opening crown bottle tops. The length of the blade gives you more leverage when opening bottles allowing you to open them at speed. This bartenders blade is ideal for busy establishment and for maintaining a high output rate. It both safe and easy to use and it is also pocket size for added convenience. The eye lit at the end allows you to hang up the bartender blade or attach it to a key chain for easy access.