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Flat Hand Bottle Opener

Pack size: 1
£0.51 Ex VAT £0.61 Inc VAT

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This light weight aluminium bottle opener is small enough to fit in your pocket so it'll always be by your side. The size and durability of this bottle opener makes it ideal for at home or out and about, you could even attach it to a key chain using the s

Pack size: 1
£0.51 Ex VAT £0.61 Inc VAT

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This light weight aluminium bottle opener is small enough to fit in your pocket so it'll always be by your side. The size and durability of this bottle opener makes it ideal for at home or out and about, you could even attach it to a key chain using the s
  • Aluminium
  • Lightweight
This Flat Hand Bottle Opener is the ideal utensil for any catering or drinks based establishment, perfect for bars, pubs, restaurants, hotels and much more. The bottle opener is made from a lightweight aluminium which is small enough to fit in your pocket.

The handle features a small hole at the end ideal for attaching to a chain or for hanging/storage purposes. The head of the bottle opener ensures that crown top lids which you get on beer bottles can be opened and conveniently.

This Flat Hand Bottle Opener is great value for money and is perfect for all your bottle opening needs. Other types of bottle openers are also available here at Brakes.