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Clear Ice Bucket with Lid

Size: 10ltr (17pt)
Pack size: 1
£24.27 Ex VAT £29.12 Inc VAT

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Delivery up to 10 working days

This Clear Ice Bucket with Lid is the ideal solution to your catering establishment and is perfect for hotels, restaurants, bars and much more.

Pack size: 1
£24.27 Ex VAT £29.12 Inc VAT

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This Clear Ice Bucket with Lid is the ideal solution to your catering establishment and is perfect for hotels, restaurants, bars and much more.
  • Plastic
  • Perspex
  • 10Litres (17pt)
This Clear Ice Bucket with Lid is the ideal solution to your catering establishment and is perfect for hotels, restaurants, bars and much more. This Ice Bucket is made from a hard-wearing plastic construction for durability and long term use. It also has a 3-part construction system, the lid, liner and shell which can all be removed for easy cleaning. The lid also features a knob like handle making it easier to open and shut. The liner is waterproof and designed to keep ice cubes chilled for longer. The perspex Ice Bucket is ideal for restocking purposes and is perfect for fitting in with your existing decor. This Clear Ice Bucket with Lid can hold up to 10litres (17pt).