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Reserved Sign Gold on Black

Pack size: 5
£6.43 Ex VAT £7.72 Inc VAT

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Pack size: 5
£6.43 Ex VAT £7.72 Inc VAT

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These Tent Style Reserved Signs are part of the Brakes Catering Equipment Table Service Range, making them ideal in venues such as cafés, restaurants, hotels or canteens or anywhere tables need to be identified.

The reserved signs are made from 3mm black High Impact Styrene, which is very strong and robust. The signs come in packs of 5 and the letters are printed in gold making them stand out against the black background.

The dimensions of these reserved signs are 4.5x11cm, there is also an table number option available. Other products available in the range include signs and menus.

At Brakes Catering Equipment we offer a range of innovative products from industry leading suppliers designed to create solution for hotel service and beverage needs.