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Bravilor B5 Round Filter Machine

Size: W635xD440xH799mm
Pack size: 1
£2,240.00 Ex VAT £2,688.00 Inc VAT

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Delivery up to 9 working days

Pack size: 1
£2,240.00 Ex VAT £2,688.00 Inc VAT

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  • Direct brewing into removable containers
  • User friendly operation and programming
  • Coffee ready signal and optimum safety mechanisms
  • W635xD440xH799mm
  • Hourly output 30 litres
  • 3.13kW single phase
  • 2 years parts & 1 year labour warranty

The Bravilor B5 Round Filter Machine is designed to be durable and simple to use making them ideal for any commercial kitchen or coffee lover.

Our coffee machines and coffee filters come in a range of different types such as Espresso machines, bean to cup machines, pour and serve style coffee machines and bulk brewers. Each one is designed to be as compact as possible whilst at the same time, providing a high standard of coffee and filtering that is required in a professional environment.

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