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Rational Open Stand for 6 and 10 Grid Combi Oven

Size: W860xD685xH699mm
Pack size: 1
£324.00 Ex VAT £388.80 Inc VAT

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Pack size: 1
£324.00 Ex VAT £388.80 Inc VAT

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  • W860xD685xH699mm
  • Provides secure support for your Rational appliance
  • Fits 6 and 10 grid iCombi Classic & iCombi Pro Combi Ovens
  • Open on all sides
  • Solid stainless steel construction
  • Height adjustable feet
  • Clearance from floor panel to floor: 180 mm
  • Max. fixed power: 600 kg
  • Weight: 14.3kg

This Rational UG1 Stand is designed for use with the iCombi Pro and iCombi Classic and 6-1/1 and 10-1/1 Combi Ovens, which are also available from Brakes. Your Rational Combi Oven is designed to fit on top of this Stand for added height and storage below. The Stand is made from stainless steel, which is durable, robust and ideal for continuous and long-term use.

All sides of this Rational Stand are open allowing for easy and convenient access from all sides. This stand also includes an under-shelf for a greater storage capacity. The base of the stand features height adjustable feet.

The dimensions for this Rational UG1 Stand are: W860xD685xH699mm.