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Rational Ultravent Plus for 6 and 10 Grid Combi Oven

Pack size: 1
£3,958.00 Ex VAT £4,749.60 Inc VAT

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Pack size: 1
£3,958.00 Ex VAT £4,749.60 Inc VAT

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  • Designed for 6 & 10 grid combi ovens
This Rational UltraVent - 61/101 Electric are the ultimate essential for any catering establishment which has a SCC or CM-P model Rational oven. The condensation technology in UltraVent absorbs and dissipates steam. There is no need for complicated and expensive installations to remove exhaust air. The installation process is also simple and it can be retro-fitted at any time. There is also no connection to the outside needed. Other sizes are also available.

Other types of Rational accessories for SCC and CM-P models are also available here at Brakes.