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CED Heavy Duty Microwave Shelf

Size: W60xD60cm
Pack size: 1
£199.00 Ex VAT £238.80 Inc VAT

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Delivery up to 7 working days

Microwave Shelf

Pack size: 1
£199.00 Ex VAT £238.80 Inc VAT

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Microwave Shelf
  • 1 year parts and labour
  • Not Apply

  • W600xD600mm
  • 1 year parts and labour
  • Not Apply

This CED Heavy Duty Microwave Shelf is a great addition for any commercial kitchen and has the following dimensions: W600xD600mm.

When you buy your CED Heavy Duty Microwave Shelf from Brakes Catering Equipment you can be confident that you are buying the right product, at the best price and supported by our devoted customer services team.

Order yours today from Brakes Catering Equipment, the catering equipment specialists and part of the Brakes Food group.