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Non-Stick Bakewell Pan 36x26.5x4cm 1x1

Size: 36x26.5x4cm (14.5x10.5x1.5")
Pack size: 1X1
£18.67 Ex VAT £22.40 Inc VAT

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Next day delivery

Pack size: 1X1
£18.67 Ex VAT £22.40 Inc VAT

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  • Sold individually
  • Non stick
  • 36x26.5x4cm (14.5x10.5x1.5")

This Non-Stick 36cm Bakewell Pan is part of the Brakes bakeware range and is ideal for hotels, restaurants, or any food service environment.

The dimensions of this Non-Stick Bakewell Pan are 36x26.5x4cm (14.5x10.5x1.5") and it is sold individually. A full range of other baking trays and pans is also available from Brakes.

At Brakes Catering Equipment we offer a range of innovative catering equipment and supplies for professional chefs, which are sourced from industry leading suppliers and designed to create solutions for the perfect hospitality environment.