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Single Line Date Gun

Pack size: 1
£56.41 Ex VAT £67.69 Inc VAT

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This Single Line Date Gun is the ultimate must have for any shop or catering establishment which requires a highly effective and easy to use food labeling system.

Pack size: 1
£56.41 Ex VAT £67.69 Inc VAT

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This Single Line Date Gun is the ultimate must have for any shop or catering establishment which requires a highly effective and easy to use food labeling system.
  • Easy to use food labelling system
  • Uses labels 551973
This Single Line Date Gun is the ultimate must have for any shop or catering establishment which requires a highly effective and easy to use food labeling system. This date gun is ideal for monitoring large quantities of portioned food as well as all other packaged food. It is the perfect way to ensure you and your customers are fully aware of the products sell by date.

This Date Gun enables restaurant operators to quickly and clearly mark food products as they enter the kitchen or storage area. Date and necessary information can be dialed into the date coder and marked onto individual food packages. By ensuring accuracy and legibility, date coders significantly improve food safety while reducing valuable labour expenses.

Labels for this gun are also available here at Brakes.