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ETI Roasting Thermometer

Size: 5cm dia
Pack size: 1
£5.31 Ex VAT £6.37 Inc VAT

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Delivery up to 10 working days

This Roasting Thermometer is an essential for any catering establishment and is the perfect solution for cooking all types of meat.

Pack size: 1
£5.31 Ex VAT £6.37 Inc VAT

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This Roasting Thermometer is an essential for any catering establishment and is the perfect solution for cooking all types of meat.
  • Stainless steel
  • 5.5cm (2.1") in diameter
  • 50°c to 300°c
  • Colour Codes Zones with Green marker for heated display units
  • Can be free standing or hung from a shelf
  • Reads in 10°C increments

This Roasting Thermometer is the ultimate essential for any catering establishment and is the perfect solution for cooking all types of meat. This Thermometer features a dial like temperature display which shows the temperature in Celsius. The temperature range of this roasting thermometer is 50°c to 300°c. The dial ranges in colour from blue to red. Blue symbolising uncooked and the red cooked.

This Roasting Thermometer is easy to use and read. It is made from stainless steel which is durable and easy to clean and is 5.5cm (2.1") in diameter. Other types of thermometers are available here at Brakes.

When you choose an ETI product you know you are choosing a trusted brand, the product range ensures you have the right choice for your needs. Many ETI Thermometers are manufactured in the UK with rigorous testing giving the assurance where food safety is essential.