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Kitchen Timer

Pack size: 1
£7.62 Ex VAT £9.14 Inc VAT

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Pack size: 1
£7.62 Ex VAT £9.14 Inc VAT

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  • Plastic
  • 99 minutes and 59 seconds
  • 3 button operated
  • Digital display panel
  • Count up and down
This Kitchen Timer is the ultimate essential for any catering establishment and is a must have for those who want to keep track of their cooking times. This Timer has a limit of 99 minutes and 59 seconds. It can count up as well as count down.

The Kitchen Timer features a digital display panel which shows clearly the time in both minutes and seconds, it is simple to use, featuring 3 buttons which are labelled. This small Kitchen Timer is ideal for storage purposes and perfect for portability. The perfect Timer to ensure that your food is cooked to perfection.

Other types of timers are also available for purchase from Brakes.