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Clothes Hanger

Pack size: 1
£2.97 Ex VAT £3.56 Inc VAT

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This Clothes Hanger is the ultimate solution for any hotel room or even domestic use.

Pack size: 1
£2.97 Ex VAT £3.56 Inc VAT

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This Clothes Hanger is the ultimate solution for any hotel room or even domestic use.
  • Wood
  • Chrome hook
  • Wishbone construction with bar
This Clothes Hanger has been designed for use in hotel rooms or even domestic use.

The hanger is made from a durable and robust wood which has a smooth finish, ideal for all types of clothes. The metal hook at top is made from chrome and allows the hanger to grip your rail with ease. The wishbone construction with bar makes this hanger suitable for trousers, skirts and shirts. This versatility makes this clothes hanger great value for money and the ideal essential for any wardrobe.

Other types of clothes hangers are also available here at Brakes.