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Wet Floor Sign Cone

Size: 90cm (36")
Pack size: 1
£16.83 Ex VAT £20.20 Inc VAT

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Pack size: 1
£16.83 Ex VAT £20.20 Inc VAT

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  • Yellow plastic cone shaped construction
  • Wet Floor / Cleaning in progress safety sign
  • Weather resistant
  • 90cm (36”) in height

This Cone Shaped Wet Floor Sign is a versatile safety sign suitable for use in any establishment, including hotels, restaurants, cafés, bars, pubs and many more. The Cone is made from a durable and heavy plastic, which has been designed to withstand abuse. The weight of the plastic keeps the and Cone Shaped Floor Sign upright and weather resistant.

The 4 sides of the Cone feature 2 different warnings: ‘caution cleaning in progress’ and ‘caution wet floor’, with a universal warning symbol to highlight these hazards. This Safety Floor Cone is bright yellow to reinforce the warning message, as well as making it visible from a safe distance.

This Cone Shaped and Wet Floor Sign is 90cm (36”) in height.

At Brakes Catering Equipment we offer a range of innovative catering equipment and supplies for professional chefs, which are sourced from industry leading suppliers and designed to create solutions for the perfect kitchen and hospitality environment.