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Harfield Clear Jug With Blue Lid 1.1L

Size: 1.1lt (2pt)
Pack size: 1
£9.38 Ex VAT £11.26 Inc VAT

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This Polycarbonate Clear Jug With Blue lid is designed to look like glass and offers excellent durability and is virtually unbreakable making it the ideal solution for both indoor and outdoor based establishments.

Pack size: 1
£9.38 Ex VAT £11.26 Inc VAT

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This Polycarbonate Clear Jug With Blue lid is designed to look like glass and offers excellent durability and is virtually unbreakable making it the ideal solution for both indoor and outdoor based establishments.
  • 1.1 litre (2.2pt)
  • Polycarbonate
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Microwave safe
  • 100% recyclable
  • Lightweight
  • Virtually unbreakable
  • Stain resistant
This Polycarbonate Clear Jug With Blue Lid is designed to look like glass and offers excellent durability and is virtually unbreakable making it the ideal solution for both indoor and outdoor based establishments. Polycarbonate is both dishwasher and microwave safe and is more environmentally friendly than disposable plastic products.

This Jug can also be recycled and continuously reused making it cost effective. The contrasting Blue Lid gives this Jug a stylish finish making it a great complement to any catering establishment. This Polycarbonate Jug can hold up to 1.1ltr (2.2pt). The Polycarbonate Clear Jug With Blue Lid can hold both cold and hot liquids.