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25kg Granular Dishwasher Salt1x1GRAN25kg

Size: 25kg
Pack size: 1X1
£24.59 Ex VAT £29.51 Inc VAT

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Delivery up to 2 working days

Granulated water softener salt designed for use in dishwashers and water softeners.

Pack size: 1X1
£24.59 Ex VAT £29.51 Inc VAT

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Granulated water softener salt designed for use in dishwashers and water softeners.
  • Use in dishwashers and water softeners
  • 25kg pack
  • Bar code 5029427400137

This Hydrosoft granular salt is supplied in a pack of 25kg and is for use in dishwashers and water softeners. It should be stored in a cool dry place. Please ensure that you lift with care to avoid danger of suffocation, keep empty bags away from young children.

Recommended for all granular water softeners. Follow manufacturers instructions when filling.