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Connexion Coupe Glass 215ml

Size: 215ml (7.6oz)
Pack size: 6
£14.07 Ex VAT £16.88 Inc VAT

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Pack size: 6
£14.07 Ex VAT £16.88 Inc VAT

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  • 215ml (7.6oz)
  • Pack size 6

This Ocean Connexion Coupe Glass is perfect for serving cocktails in any catering venue, including pubs, restaurants, hotels, bars and many more. As a leading brand worldwide, Ocean offers a comprehensive, high quality range of professional glassware featuring a variety of versatile, refined glasses with brilliant clarity and shine.

This Connexion Coupe Glass has a capacity of 215ml (7.6oz) and is supplied in a pack of 6. Brakes offers a comprehensive range of Cocktail Glasses in a variety of different shapes and styles to suit every occasion.

At Brakes Catering Equipment we offer an extensive range of glassware for caterers, which are sourced from industry leading manufacturers and designed to create solutions for the perfect hospitality environment.